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Have you heard about the Collab365 Summit happening this month?
The Collab365 Summit will have focused content on Office 365, SharePoint and Azure and you don’t want to miss it.
The summit is 3 days long starting on the 10th of May and ending on the 12th and it’s FREE!
The content will be delivered ...

02.05.16 10:27 PM - Comment(s)

This picture reflects the owners of GTconsult’s love for the 80’s and what plays in our heads every time we hear that we are gold. Sometimes we think we are in an Adam Sandler movie.

We are proud to announce that we have been awarded Gold Cloud Productivity AND Gold Collaboration...
20.04.16 09:10 PM - Comment(s)

We always love when our CEO, Brad Geldenhuys, imparts his wisdom. Read on for some quick tips on SharePoint ROI from the man himself.

Having been in the SharePoint consulting game for over a decade and built a global SharePoint consultancy, I have heard this one too many times, “We have SharePoint bu...

20.04.16 06:33 PM - Comment(s)

We always love when our CEO, Brad Geldenhuys, imparts his wisdom. Read on for some quick tips on SharePoint ROI from the man himself.

Understanding SharePoint ROI is a tricky area if you are put on the spot with specific questions like “How much did this SharePoint project cost us and how much are we...

20.04.16 05:06 PM - Comment(s)

The PoR (Partner of Record) aka Digital Partner of Record (DPOR) in Office 365 is explained clearly on the official Microsoft page here

*“The Digital Partner of Record for an Office 365, CRM Online, Intune, or Enterprise Mobility Suite subscription is the partner who is helping the customer design, b...

16.03.16 04:29 PM - Comment(s)
