Joiners and Leavers SharePoint Workbench
Automate your onboarding and offboarding process with our Joiners and Leavers SharePoint Workbench.

Your hiring process is complex. It has been reported that the most important day in the longevity of your staff member is their first.
So you want to make sure everything is under control, but where do you get that insight?
GTconsult's Joiners and Leavers SharePoint Workbench allows you to configure all the tasks required for an employee onboarding and offboarding to ensure the correct people are notified, tasks generated and approvals sent.

All information pertaining to the new employee is dashboarded in a single location on SharePoint so you can track exactly where you are in the process and what still needs to be done. The solution is easy to use, easy to configure and sits on your SharePoint environment utilising the platform you already use for productivity and benefiting from the workflow and customisation possibilities to design your employee onboarding how you need it to work.
Key features of our Joiners and Leavers SharePoint Workbench include;