
Blog categorized as Uncategorized

Can BoardPacks Improve your meetings?

BoardPacks allows you to digitize your meetings and all the admin that goes with them. Whatever your role – board member, leadership team, manager or administrator – putting meetings and other information online, accessible on either laptop or tablet, will reduce...

31.05.16 05:51 PM - Comment(s)

What’s the hype with Office 365? To begin with…Collaboration is a winner

Collaboration made easier, share and communicate while working.

Co-authoring in Word, PowerPoint and OneNote, with added functionality to review version history and view snapshots of previous versions while editing the ...

31.05.16 04:24 PM - Comment(s)

May has seen the release of new exciting features in Office 365

For a start you now have Real-time chat integration with Skype for Business and Office 365 Word, Excel, One Note and PowerPoint. You are able to collaborate with co-workers whilst working on documentation, Skype for Business (sfb) i...

27.05.16 07:22 PM - Comment(s)

They say it takes 10000 hours to become an expert in a specific field, ten thousand hours of practice, repetitive movement, experience and competition all leads to becoming an expert. There are a lot of studies out there that back up this theory like Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, and I for one total...

19.05.16 05:08 PM - Comment(s)

Information Worker Community Night Relaunch

If you love finding ways of improving the way you and your team members work, then Information Worker might be the community for you!

Information Worker also know as InfoWorker or IW is a fantastic initiative that exists all over the globe it is the onl...

09.05.16 11:48 PM - Comment(s)
