Find the whozit-whatsit!
SharePoint Vitals brings all the user activity data you could ever want to your fingertips. Analysis that can take days of manual data manipulation are now available when you need it. Vitals mines your site, page and user activity in real-time and pushes results to a clean and easily navigated interface.
With the available summary reporting, you can quickly identify your top users, sites and content along with problem areas such as slowest loading pages and users who frequently experience slow page load times. You can dig down to the item level which can definitely help in cases of governance and compliance.
Next time management asks the who, what, when, where — you will have the answers!
SP vitals taps into the usage data running in the background of your SharePoint environment and brings it to your fingertips. Through our real-time reports you can very easily find information to help establish and enforce governance, track solution success, identify areas critical to your business and keep tabs on your users. Filter data to a certain date range or use one of the presets which span anywhere for today’s activity to all activity, ever.
Want to see just how easy it is? Check out this quick peek into our Site Map.
By clicking on your interactive site map, you can track traffic flow down to the item level. Want to see what a specific user is doing? Simply use the filter at the top of the screen to narrow your results.

Dig in to your data with these reports!
Dig in to your data with these reports!