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The PoR (Partner of Record) aka Digital Partner of Record (DPOR) in Office 365 is explained clearly on the official Microsoft page here

*“The Digital Partner of Record for an Office 365, CRM Online, Intune, or Enterprise Mobility Suite subscription is the partner who is helping the customer design, b...

16.03.16 04:29 PM - Comment(s)

Here at GTconsult, we recently had some fun with building a culture around our brand. Our content marketing maven, Melinda Morales, set upon the daunting task of getting the C-suite to tap into their creative juices and brainstorm what the GTconsult brand means to them.

After some exercises to establ...

15.03.16 12:07 AM - Comment(s)

Our CEO and co-founder, Brad Geldenhuys, has shared some tips and tricks for optimizing SQL. We love when Brad lets loose with his technical chops, and so will you!


I work with SharePoint for a living, we have a number of clients ranging across the board from mining to professional servic...

10.02.16 01:14 PM - Comment(s)

We started 2015 off with the plan to build better internal structures, ensure we could productize our creations and be the best SharePoint and Office 365 consultancy ever.

I totally believe we have created that powerhouse internal structure across the world now, with all the right people in the right...

01.01.16 06:35 AM - Comment(s)

December’s product focus is on GT Attend, our solution for internal corporate event registration management.

Take a look at just some of the things that Attend can do for you!

05.12.15 07:22 AM - Comment(s)
