Why choose GTconsult for UK based SharePoint Solutions

04.04.18 07:14 PM Comment(s) By Jordan

Many companies strive to be all things to all people. If they are able to achieve this, they would feel that they are a one-stop shop that their clients could go to for anything that they want.

But we live in the digital economy. The days of gargantuan companies are coming to an end. Collaboration is the name of the game for any company in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Focusing on a niche and mastering an art, especially in the IT space is a key factor of success.

Back in the day

Outsourcing IT work was done only in an act of desperation, or to plug a short-term gap while searching for a long-term solution. What is very contradictory is that we have been outsourcing work for years, such as plumbers, cooks & catering, gardeners and cleaning services. And why, simply because there was no point in having a gardener around every day if they could complete their work in one day a week. You save money by hiring them once a week, and they get an opportunity to better their skill set by working on multiple jobs thus mastering their trade.

Having a fulltime employed gardener would only be meaningful if you had so much garden they would never be out of work and their skills were so exceptional that they would need minimal supervision and management in order for you to focus on enjoying your home and of course outdoor events.

Current Mindset

Things have changed significantly with cloud technology and just the sheer amount of technology. No longer is it feasible to palm off additional workloads to IT and expect a quick and easy turnaround. IT is pressed to take care of every growing security concerns, changing IT architectural landscapes and the ever-growing demand from users to make all their devices compatible to work anywhere at any time.

Outsourcing has become a norm for most business’ who know they need either a major project completed and handed over to IT to maintain or a constant stream of projects and solutions done and managed in order not to burden the current IT team with additional stress.

The mindset for SharePoint solutions is very much to bring in SharePoint Solutions Providers and leverage their skills and dedicated abilities to get quick turnarounds and reliable experience to aid your business requirements.

Reducing costs and expenses

A very important aspect of today’s digital economy is that capital expenses are hardly ever profitable if their usage is not high enough. And this is why outsourcing at a set rate based on time can create a very favorable delivery cost. Not to mention the massive savings in administrative costs of insourcing which include resourcing, retention, salaries, sick and holiday leave, training and other financial incentives to name a few.

I believe that the flexibility of the GTconsult’s A-Team is also of huge value to our clients, the interchange between developers, designers, business analysts, project managers and system architects whenever needed and all at a fixed blended rate to make things easier to manage with your prepaid monthly agreements.

Costs may also be reduced even further by leveraging globalization and internet connectivity. Some countries such as South Africa have a poor economy but a great skill set in the IT sector. Countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States can benefit immensely from leveraging their stronger currencies to get similar skillsets at a much lower cost.

Staying Focused

Outsourcing jobs that are not you or your business’ main objective or expertise allow you to remain focused and achieve more while others can do exactly the same and build collaboratively towards one shared goal.

“Focus” was the answer both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates mentioned when asked, “What is your reason for success”

Why use GTconsult?

You are a UK based company who needs help with SharePoint or Office 365?

  • We have a local presence on the ground in London to ensure communication and client relationships are never lost and always nurtured throughout our relationship.
  • Our work ethic is the same. While we are different culturally, South Africans and British share the same work ethic. Nothing of value comes without hard work, smart planning, and great ideas.
  • The time difference is favorable. Be it summer or winter, the time difference between South Africa and the UK is never more than 2 hours. This means we will always be available during business hours;
  • The Pound is much stronger than the Rand. As a UK company, you save a lot of money outsourcing to a South African company who can provide the same skill set of a local team and a much better rate.
  • We too love Cricket, Rugby, and Football so there is always great banter and camaraderie in business meetings and get-togethers.

Aligned mindsets and business cultures are just some of the benefits of working with GTconsult. We are the leading SharePoint consultancy company in South Africa and have dedicated, focused skills that can benefit your company. Can you afford to miss out?


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