Entering into a business relationship with a company is an important decision.
A business partner is more than someone you simply do business with, your company is an extension of you and your ideal’s, so choosing a business partner is kind of like choosing a life partner, if they don’t share in your ideals, then the relationship will most likely become toxic at some point.
This is something that GTconsult has always advocated. This is also why the company has worked hard to become the best version of itself in order to be a suitable business partner.
This has not been easy and we have had to work on a few aspects of the business along the way. below are just some of the areas that we have worked extensively on.
Look and Feels
A key element of success is the look and feel of the company that you will be doing business with. The work that a potential business partner does must look and feel right.
Our consultants are strategic thinkers with years of experience in both IT and business. We do our homework and make sure we understand your business goals before working with you to set technology goals.
Our specialty is custom-made solutions for how you work, sell, and grow. We think this is important because, at the end of the day, IT is about people, not computers.
Umlindi was created from our very own team members who saw a risk in how SharePoint has been managed. From its earliest conception as a simple PowerShell script to its cutting-edge Azure Cloud machine learning interface, it is today Umlindi still has the main components it started with from the very beginning, reduce the risk and add value.
Umlindi is trusted today by companies all over the world for managing and protecting their SharePoint environments, and with continues cloud development and industry consultants feedback, all these clients benefit from the product life cycle constantly.