Power Automate in SharePoint

12.03.24 12:40 PM Comment(s) By Boitumelo

Integrating Power Automate for SharePoint Solutions

Power Automate, a component of Microsoft's Power Platform, is a powerful tool that allows users to automate workflows and streamline processes across various applications and services. When integrated with SharePoint, Power Automate becomes a robust solution for automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort, and improving overall productivity within SharePoint environments.

In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and productivity are essential. Manual tasks and repetitive workflows can bog down productivity and hinder progress. However, with tools like Power Automate, businesses can revolutionize their operations by automating processes seamlessly within SharePoint.

If you have been following/reading our blogs or are familiar with Microsoft's offerings you may be aware that Microsoft has a family of products that form part of the Power Platform, namely: 

  • Power BI
  • Power Apps
  • Power Automate
  • Power Virtual Agents
  • Power Pages 

We have already covered PowerApps in SharePoint, and, in today’s blog, we will be looking at Power Automate in SharePoint. Let’s get into it.

What is Power Automate?

Power Automate, formerly known as Microsoft Flow, is a powerful cloud-based service that  allows users to create automated workflows between their favorite apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more, without requiring extensive programming knowledge.


In essence, Power Automate enables users to automate repetitive tasks and business processes across a wide range of applications and services, both within the Microsoft ecosystem and external sources. It employs a low-code or no-code approach, meaning that users can build sophisticated workflows and automation processes using a visual interface without writing extensive lines of code.


The platform offers a variety of connectors that enable integration with popular services such as SharePoint, Power BI, Outlook, Teams, Planner, Asana, Mailchimp, Twitter, Google Drive, and many others. These connectors allow users to trigger actions and responses across different platforms seamlessly.

Power Automate offers a wide range of capabilities within SharePoint, enabling users to automate workflows, streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and improve productivity across their organization. Whether it's automating document approvals, setting up notifications, synchronizing data, enforcing version control, integrating with Microsoft 365 apps, customizing business processes, or automating routine tasks, Power Automate provides organizations with the tools they need to unlock the full potential of SharePoint as a comprehensive platform for content management and teamwork.

The key uses of Power Automate

1. Document Approval Workflows

Power Automate allows users to create sophisticated approval workflows for documents stored in SharePoint libraries. These workflows can be customized to fit specific organizational requirements. For instance, when a new document is uploaded to a SharePoint library, Power Automate can automatically trigger an approval process. Approvers receive notifications via email or Microsoft Teams, review the document directly within SharePoint, provide feedback, and approve or reject the document. Power Automate manages the entire approval lifecycle, ensuring that documents are processed efficiently and in accordance with organizational policies.

2. Notification and Alerts

Power Automate enables users to set up automated notifications and alerts within SharePoint. These notifications can be triggered by various events, such as document modifications, task assignments, or approaching deadlines. For example, when a document is modified, Power Automate can send notifications to relevant team members, notifying them of the change and prompting them to review the updated content. By automating notifications and alerts, Power Automate helps keep stakeholders informed and facilitates timely communication within the organization.

3. Data Synchronization

Power Automate facilitates seamless data synchronization between SharePoint and external systems or applications. Users can create workflows that automatically sync data between SharePoint lists and external databases, CRM systems, or cloud services. For instance, when new data is added to an external system, Power Automate can update corresponding records in SharePoint, ensuring data consistency across different platforms. By automating data synchronization, organizations can eliminate manual data entry errors and maintain accurate and up-to-date information.

4. Document Routing and Version Control

Power Automate can automate the process of routing documents within SharePoint and enforcing version control policies. For instance, when a document is uploaded to SharePoint, Power Automate can automatically route it to designated reviewers or approvers based on predefined criteria. Additionally, Power Automate can manage document versioning by creating new versions of documents, tracking changes, and maintaining a complete audit trail of revisions. By automating document routing and version control, organizations can ensure that documents are reviewed, approved, and managed effectively, while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

5. Integration with Microsoft 365 Apps

Power Automate seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft 365 apps, such as Outlook, Teams, and Power BI. Users can create workflows that leverage these apps to automate various tasks and processes within SharePoint. For example, Power Automate can automate the process of sending emails, scheduling meetings, creating team channels, and generating reports—all within the context of SharePoint. By integrating with Microsoft 365 apps, Power Automate extends the capabilities of SharePoint and enables users to streamline collaboration and communication across the organization.

6. Custom Business Processes

Power Automate empowers users to design custom business processes and workflows tailored to their organization's specific needs. Whether it's automating HR processes, managing procurement requests, or tracking project milestones, Power Automate provides the flexibility to create workflows that align with unique business requirements. Users can leverage Power Automate's visual designer to define workflow logic, set up triggers and actions, and automate complex business processes within SharePoint. By customizing business processes with Power Automate, organizations can improve operational efficiency, enhance decision-making, and drive business growth.

7. Task Automation

Power Automate can automate various routine tasks and processes within SharePoint, helping users save time and reduce manual effort. For example, Power Automate can automate tasks such as updating metadata, archiving documents, generating reports, and sending reminders. By automating these tasks, users can streamline their workflows, minimize errors, and focus on more strategic activities. Power Automate's flexible and intuitive interface makes it easy to create and manage automated tasks within SharePoint, enabling users to optimize their productivity and achieve better outcomes.

Types of flows in Power Automate

Flows in Power Automate are the fundamental building blocks used to automate workflows and processes across various applications and services. Essentially, flows represent sequences of actions and triggers that dictate how tasks are performed and how data moves between different systems.

Key components of flows in Power Automate:


Triggers are events that initiate the execution of a flow. They serve as the starting point for the flow and can be triggered by various occurrences, such as the creation of a new document, the receipt of an email, the submission of a form, or the updating of a record in a database. Triggers define when a flow should start executing and specify the conditions under which it should be activated.


Actions are the individual steps or operations performed within a flow. They represent specific tasks that need to be executed as part of the workflow. Actions can include sending an email, creating a new record in a database, updating a file in a cloud storage service, posting a message in a collaboration tool, or performing a calculation. Actions define the behavior and functionality of the flow and determine what tasks it should accomplish.

Conditions and Control Logic:

Flows in Power Automate can include conditions and control logic to make decisions and guide the flow of execution. Conditional statements allow flows to evaluate data and perform different actions based on specified criteria. For example, a flow may include conditional logic to route documents for approval only if they meet certain criteria, or to send notifications to specific users based on the content of an email. Control logic enables flows to perform branching, looping, and error handling, ensuring that tasks are executed correctly and efficiently.


Connectors are integration points that enable flows to interact with external applications, services, and data sources. Power Automate provides a wide range of connectors that allow flows to connect to popular apps, such as Microsoft 365, Salesforce, Google Drive, Twitter, and Dropbox, as well as custom APIs and web services. Connectors provide the necessary interfaces and protocols for flows to exchange data and perform actions across different systems.


Power Automate offers a library of pre-built templates that users can leverage to quickly create and deploy common workflows and processes. Templates provide a starting point for building flows and offer examples of how flows can be configured to automate specific tasks and scenarios. Users can customize templates to fit their unique requirements and integrate them into their own workflows seamlessly.

By defining triggers, actions, conditions, and connectors, users can create powerful and efficient workflows that enhance productivity, improve collaboration, and drive digital transformation within their organization.

Power Automate has three primary types of flows:

Cloud Flows
Desktop Flows
Business Process Flows
Cloud Flows

Cloud Flows

These allow users to automate workflows between modern (API) cloud-based services. Cloud flows can be automated based on specific triggers, such as the arrival of an email or the creation of a new document in SharePoint.

Practical Examples

Desktop Flows

Desktop Flows

Desktop flows enable users to automate workflows between modern (API) cloud-based services and legacy (non-API) systems. They utilize robotic process automation (RPA) to automate user interface interactions on the desktop or web.

Practical Examples

Business Process Flows

Business Process Flows

These enable the automation of multistep, guided processes within an organization, ensuring consistency and efficiency in operations. They can be integrated with Microsoft Power Apps to create visual, guided experiences for users.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Automatically Archiving Email Attachments

When attachments related to a client are sent, Power Automate can automatically archive them into the appropriate SharePoint folder. This streamlined process saves valuable time otherwise spent searching through emails, ensuring that documents are stored within the correct document library for easy retrieval.

Set up the flow:

Test the flow:

Run the flow:

Power Automate also displays approval details:

Example 2: Streamlining Holiday Requests and Approvals

To efficiently manage employee time off, automating the approval process is essential. Power Automate facilitates this by automatically sending leave requests to managers and notifying them of responses. In our organization, we've implemented a Microsoft Power App to manage employee holidays, seamlessly integrating Power Automate for the request and approval process.

Example 3: Document Approval and Team Notification via Teams

Critical documents often require approval before dissemination, a process that can be tedious and time-consuming. With Power Automate, document approval workflows can be automated within SharePoint. When a new document is uploaded, an approval request is initiated, and team members are notified via Microsoft Teams. For instance, at the project's outset, various documents may need approval before progress can proceed. Power Automate can streamline this process by automatically notifying relevant team members via Teams, ensuring timely approvals and project momentum.

Example 4: Info Mailers

At GT we have Info Mailers hard at work in the Morning Report which is sent daily at 8AM to the entire company. With the GT Morning Report everyone in the company regardless of location knows all the important info before they start their day. The Support staff can react to open calls, The Project managers can resource plan in case of ill staff, and finance can choose when to make international payments based on the exchange rate. This mailer helps make the staff more proactive, more educated and more informed with data to assist them navigate their day.

These are not the only examples, the application of Power Automate presents a multitude of uses. It has the potential to elevate productivity and simplify cumbersome tasks for organizations of all sizes.

In Conclusion

Power Automate stands as a transformative tool within SharePoint, revolutionizing how organizations manage workflows, automate processes, and enhance collaboration. Through its intuitive interface and robust functionality, Power Automate empowers users to streamline document management, automate approval workflows, and integrate with a myriad of external applications and services seamlessly.

By harnessing the power of Power Automate, organizations can unlock new levels of agility, productivity, and innovation. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks, enforcing compliance, or accelerating decision-making processes, Power Automate enables organizations to stay ahead in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation, the integration of Power Automate with SharePoint emerges as a strategic imperative. By leveraging the synergies between these platforms, organizations can drive operational excellence, foster collaboration, and propel business growth.

In essence, Power Automate in SharePoint represents a paradigm shift in how organizations leverage technology to streamline processes, maximize productivity, and achieve their business objectives. As we look towards the future, the possibilities with Power Automate are limitless, empowering organizations to redefine what's possible in the realm of workflow automation and collaboration.

At GTconsult, we specialize in empowering organizations to harness the full potential of Power Automate and SharePoint integration. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you unleash the transformative power of automation, optimize collaboration, and drive business growth.


Ready to revolutionize your workflows and unlock new levels of efficiency? Contact GTconsult today to discover how our tailored solutions and expertise can propel your organization towards digital excellence. Together, let's embark on a journey of innovation, efficiency, and success with Power Automate and SharePoint.

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