And just like that, 2019 is over.
What a year it has been. 2019 has been one of our best years so far and we have grown from strength to strength. I am immensely proud of our team here at GT and I know that the future is bright and we have a bright and busy year ahead in 2020.

Craig, Grant, Scott, Kenny and I recently attended the European SharePoint Conference in Prague a few days ago and it was really awesome being with community and listening to the amazing development coming out of the Microsoft mothership.
I learnt about many of the interesting development on the horizon and had my mind blown by some amazing facts, such as SharePoint having 100 million active users. Let that sink in. 100 million!
Connecting with the community is something we look forward to and we made many new friends during #ESPC19. We connected with some of our friends at Sharegate and made some new friends, like Kevin from ShortPoint!

One of the highlights for me was our Customer Case Study with Mr. Bryan Kimmel from CONCO. Craig and Bryan sat down and had at chat in the community area about how we enabled productivity with CONCO and the exciting future we have together.
#ESPC19 was an amazing experience and it was a good time for Craig, Annie, Kenny and myself to connect and plan for 2020.
We are looking forward to an amazing 2020 and as we close off the year, we have put together a Christmas pack for you to enjoy! You can get it by filling in the form below. are in the early stages of planning our 2020 Roadshow and we have some exciting things in store so keep an eye out for the email with all the details in the next few weeks.
Happy holidays and have an awesome festive season.
Gone fishin’.