Don’t be a fool, use Secure Score

02.03.18 07:26 PM Comment(s) By Jordan

Have you ever wondered how your computer organizes the work that you do? How when you want something, it automatically appears?

Office 365 Secure Score is here to help and has become a key component of the GTconsult bag of tricks.

Put simply, the service analyzes your Office 365 organization’s security based on your regular activities and security settings. Following this, it assigns a score.

Que pasa?

You are probably wondering how one gets their score. It is actually really simple. Anyone who has admin permissions for an Office 365 Business Premium or Enterprise subscription can access the Secure Score at

Those who do not have admin rights wont be able to access Secure Score.

Administrators can however use the tool to share their results with other people in their organization.

Is it voodoo magic?

Is this some sort of unexplainable bunch of voodoo magic? No it is not…and you know it!

Secure Score figures out what Office 365 services are in use and then looks at settings and activities.

These are then compared to a baseline established by Microsoft. You’ll get a score based on how aligned you are with best security practices.

If you want to improve your score, review the action queue to see what you can do to help increase security and reduce risks.

Expand an action to learn about what threats it’ll help protect you from and how you’ll get the job done.

To see the impact of your actions on your organization’s security, go to the Score Analyzer page and review your history

Finally, click any data point to see a breakdown of your score for that day.

Users can scroll down to see which controls were enabled and how many points they earned that day for each control.#### Will it help me?

The simple answer to this question is: of course it will.

Using Secure Score helps increase your organization’s security by encouraging you to use the built-in security features in Office 365. And we all know about the threat the cyber criminals currently pose.

Using Secure Score and working through the tools will give you the peace of mind that criminals will not infiltrate your business and steal vital information.

We are not paragons of everything IT; so dont just rely on us with blind faith.

Users who have been accessing Secure Score have seen their score increase five times more than customers who aren’t using it.

The increase in score corresponds with the security features being used in their organizations. Be like Fort Knox and not Epimetheus who opened Pandora’s Box.


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