All about Lakhe

27.08.24 12:57 PM Comment(s) By Boitumelo

Women of GTconsult

In honour of Women's Month, we are celebrating the stories of women at GTconsult who inspire us every day. 

Thembalakhe Thwala- Account Manager

Meet Lakhe, an Account Manager at GTconsult. In her role, Lakhe brings a unique blend of humor, resilience, and determination to every task she undertakes. She excels at learning on the job, ensuring that her efforts contribute to client satisfaction.

We asked Lakhe to answer 10 questions to better understand her as well as the role she is in. Let's get to know this awesome lady!

1. What did you want to be when you grew up, and what led you to your current career path?

A flight attendant, then I decided I wanted to be served on numerous flights because I'm a princess lol.

2. Which women inspire you to be the best version of yourself, and why?

My mum, even in the grave she was and is the most hardworking, ceiling breaking woman I know - a reflection of how being an inspiration transcends life itself.

3. Which women are your top three dinner party guests, and what would you ask them?

Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche

Where does her creative mind transcend from, what does it look like inside her head and what does it mean to her as an African woman to be one of the best sellers.

A mother in the most impoverished location on the African continent who is barely making it through

How does she keep herself smiling through the dust and the hail, what is she grateful for and what does hope look like through her eyes.

Tsitsi Masiyiwa

How has she excelled in being a mother to one of the richest men in Africa, maintained being a mother not only to her children but beneficiaries of her foundation and how she has battled and conquered or not, a traditional society that has not fully embraced women who excel beyond the traditional motherly and wifely roles.

4. What do you think is the key to building a workplace where women thrive?

An environment that sees you as an individual and doesn't look at your sex to determine your worth and or capacity.

5. What makes you a strong woman, and what fulfils you in your personal and professional life?

I love laughing and I love my family and in order for me and my family to laugh freely, I chase the paper... I believe in a better tomorrow for myself and those around me achieved by all of us working together, so I play my part hoping you do too.

6. Why do you think it’s important for more women to join the tech industry?

Long gone are the days when we could only be secretaries and receptionists, tech is here to stay and we need to take part in building diversely represented, innovative and inclusive solutions lest we find ourselves left behind and misrepresented.

7. What advice would you give to yourself or someone else just starting out in your field?

If someone else could do it, you can do it as well.

8. What motivates you to excel?

As an AM, learning is a part of what I do every day; knowing my job makes workflows easier for diverse teams in various organisations is really cool.

9. What are your goals for the next few years, both professionally and personally?

I'm currently working towards my MBA and PhD - for the love of books and knowledge absorption.

10. What message or piece of advice would you like to share with other women pursuing similar careers?

The important thing is to start, don't plan too much - just do it!

Lakhe’s journey is a testament to the power of ambition, learning, and the courage to break barriers. Her belief that "if someone else could do it, you can too" is a powerful message for anyone pursuing their dreams. We are incredibly fortunate to have Lakhe on our team, and we look forward to seeing the incredible things she will continue to achieve. Here’s to Lakhe—a strong, inspiring woman who embodies the spirit of perseverance and excellence at GTconsult!


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