All about Boitumelo

28.08.24 12:59 PM Comment(s) By Boitumelo

Women of GTconsult

In honour of Women's Month, we are celebrating the stories of women at GTconsult who inspire us every day. 

Boitumelo Mbokane- Marketing Intern

Meet Boitumelo, the Marketing Intern here at GTconsult and the person writing this article, so she can say whatever she wants...just kidding!

In her role, Boitumelo handles all things marketing, harnessing her creativity to bring strategies and compelling content to life.

We asked Boitumelo to answer 10 questions to better understand her as well as the role she is in. Let's get to know this awesome lady!

1. What did you want to be when you grew up, and what led you to your current career path?

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher, just like my mom. For as long as I can remember, that was my desire. But growing up watching Generations (every night at 8pm on SABC 1) got me interested in advertising. So, when choosing subjects, in high school I went for the commerce subjects in preparation for the career I had settled on.

When I graduated from university, I didn't go into marketing right off the bat, I taught English online for a number of years and got qualified as a Senior Phase and FET teacher along the way. When I thought I had decided, the marketing bug was persistant.

When the opportunity came to go into marketing, I didn't hesitate.

2. Which women inspire you to be the best version of yourself, and why?

My mother and sisters. My mother is awesome, she fears the Lord, is a great leader, she's witty and a wise woman. She has contributed so much (she still is) to the woman I am. I've always watched her and the way she does things, and try to copy as best as I can. My sisters are awesome, each of them inspire me in their own ways. My younger sister, it's her will, resilience, her intelligence  and zeal in pursuit of her career. My older sister, has an amazing heart, that softness and kindness inspires me, I watch her as a wife and mom and try to emulate what I see because she's amazing at it. My oldest sister, she is a huge part of my support system, time and time again she has been a shoulder to cry on and has always been protective of us, she always shows up for me regardless of what's going on in her life, and I appreciate her! 

3. Which women are your top three dinner party guests, and what would you ask them?

Jackie Hill Perry

No questions, I would just let her talk because she is just a well of wisdom, not matter what she says, it's sure to be edifying.

Norma Malandula (my granny)

I have so much to ask her. She is a strong woman who has always encouraged me not to get sucked in to just being a wife and mom but to have my own passions, interests and income! 

The question/request I wish I had made when she was a little younger (she's 95 now) is can she teach me how to make her famous mielie bread :P

Stephanie Ike Okafor

Again, no questions, I would just let her talk because she is just a well of wisdom, not matter what she says, it's sure to be edifying.

4. What do you think is the key to building a workplace where women thrive?

Don't view the qualities that make us who we are as weaknesses. Often, things like tears are seen as inappropriate, but they're a natural, human response—especially for women. I'm not saying that allowing women to cry at work is the key to creating an environment where they thrive. What I am saying is that we need to create a workplace where being human, being a woman, isn’t seen as inappropriate, bad, or something that needs to be suppressed.

Additionally, visible female leadership!

5. What makes you a strong woman, and what fulfils you in your personal and professional life?

My faith! I'm anchored by my faith in everything I do, both personally and professionally. It's where my resilience comes from, my positive attitude and joy come from. I would not be the woman I am today if it were not for the LORD. Jesus is everything to me :')

Being a wife and mom is fulfilling for me, it's not easy, but it's definitely worth it! My family, both my husband and child as well as extended family, mean the world to me.

I do admit though, that I should live for myself as well, my world revolves around being an employee, wife and mom, so I'm trying to be more intentional about doing things that fulfil me, like reading, singing, photography and just general goofing off.

6. Why do you think it’s important for more women to join the tech industry?

I think representation is so important, for the girls coming after us. Sometimes, you don’t realize what you can achieve or aspire to until you see someone else do it and think, 'Cool, I want to do that too.'

Also, woman are awesome and have epic contributions to make to the industry. Nuff said!

7. What advice would you give to yourself or someone else just starting out in your field?

You don't know what you don't know. You must always be willing to learn and research. Talent/creativity is not enough, it may get you there, but it won't sustain you. 

Trial and error is a part of it, you won't always get it right, be willing to identify what went wrong and recalibrate.

8. What motivates you to excel?

I'm motivated by the chance to make a difference, whether it's helping someone out, solving a problem, or just doing a great job. Seeing everything come together and knowing I played a part in that success really pushes me to do my best.

9. What are your goals for the next few years, both professionally and personally?

My personal goals are to get a house of my own and travel internationally. I've never been out of the country, so that's definitely something I hope to do soon. :D

My professional goals

- Elevation, I'm not trying to be an intern forever lol. 

- I want to make an impact in the company, it's all good and well to create wonderful content, maintain the website etc. and improve brand visibility, but I want my contributions to be huge part of the company's growth and exponential success. 

- I want to further my studies

10. What message or piece of advice would you like to share with other women pursuing similar careers?

Don't hold back, kill it!


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