All about Annie

02.09.24 02:37 PM Comment(s) By Boitumelo

Women of GTconsult

In honour of Women's Month, we are celebrating the stories of women at GTconsult who inspire us every day. 

Annie Geldenhuys- HR Director

Meet Annie, our dedicated HR Director at GTconsult, who is at the heart of managing and supporting the well-being of our employees. Annie plays a crucial role in creating a workplace that fosters productivity and effectiveness. From overseeing the entire employee lifecycle to managing payroll, benefits, compliance, and training, Annie ensures that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. 

We asked Annie to answer 10 questions to better understand her as well as the role she is in. Let's get to know this amazing lady!

1. What did you want to be when you grew up, and what led you to your current career path?

While I was still in school, I wanted to go into the medical field, either a physiotherapist or nurse. Circumstances led to different decisions and I ended up studying Health and Skin Care. Which took me to the UK as a beauty therapist. I then went on to working in hospitals and eventually for an IT company which was by pure chance, as the company was willing to give me a chance with zero experience in IT. Worked for them for 6 years and during this time I met my handsome husband, who also worked for the same company :) And the rest, as they say, is history... been working at GTconsult now for almost 13 years!! Even though I am technically not technical, I have worked in all the other areas within GT, from procurement, finance, office Admin and now HR :)

2. Which women inspire you to be the best version of yourself, and why?

My mom. Boy, I did not see it when I was younger at all- everything that she went through, all her struggles, everything that she did for us. Her strength and resilience was insane..... Only once I started my own family, did I see what she actually did and went through.

She always wanted the best for me, wanted me to learn from her mistakes. Totally pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me sooo many things that I value today.

Another woman that inspires me is one of my closest friends. She believes in me and makes me see things in so many different ways. She is my go to when I am sad, happy, need a little encouragement or just a rant. She allows me to be truly me and loves me just the way I am, warts and all :)

3. Which women are your top three dinner party guests, and what would you ask them?

Serena Williams

How did she keep on achieving despite all the criticism?

Kristen Wiig

How does she maintain being so hilarious and having a really endearing, sweet quality at the same time.

Princess Diana

How the hell did she deal with all of that...!?

4. What do you think is the key to building a workplace where women thrive?

I think it is definitely about open communication and creating a safe space to speak up. To recognize achievements and to have equal opportunities.

5. What makes you a strong woman, and what fulfils you in your personal and professional life?

My family make me a strong person, I believe, and how I deal with things. I always want to help others. Love being a wife and mom, that really fulfils my life and gives me purpose.

6. Why do you think it’s important for more women to join the tech industry?

I think it will bring more diversity within a team. Different thoughts, ideas and input from women can provide a more balanced view.

7. What advice would you give to yourself or someone else just starting out in your field?

Be kind to yourself and do not give up. Don't be afraid to fail and never stop learning, esp. in the Tech world. Focus on what you can control.

8. What motivates you to excel?

What motivates me to excel is to know and see that my hard work and learnings are helping people. It is constant learning (and every day is different) and knowing that I am making a difference.

9. What are your goals for the next few years, both professionally and personally?

My main goals are to get fit and healthy again

Commit and finish my CIPD course in HR

Improve my time management - focus, focus and focus

Enhance my communication skills

Embrace and learn new tech skills and not to be scared of it....

Manage my stress better

Spend more quality time with my family

10. What message or piece of advice would you like to share with other women pursuing similar careers?

Be yourself, speak up, admit when you are wrong and treat others how you would like to be treated.

Annie’s commitment to the well-being and growth of our team at GTconsult is truly inspiring. Her dedication to ensuring a positive and productive work environment has a profound impact on our organization, helping us thrive together. We are grateful for her hard work, which consistently makes a difference in the lives of our employees. Here's to Annie—a vital part of our team, whose passion and efforts help us all succeed.


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