
Blog categorized as Uncategorized

We have been assisting Mozart Ice Cream with their Digital Transformation journey and with their expansion have many new stores opening. They wanted an easy way to let staff know when they were on shift and can update the schedule quickly and easily. Basically, they wanted to create a shift schedule...

02.12.16 12:18 AM - Comment(s)

This is a guide the Umlindi team created to assist with the configuration of SSL for SharePoint App Store

Create a forward lookup zone for the app domain name

  1. Verify that the user account that performs this procedure is a domain.administrator on the domain controller.
  2. Click Start, point to Ad...
01.12.16 09:27 PM - Comment(s)

South Africa’s SMB or SME market makes up for 91% of formalised businesses, provide employment to about 60% of the labour force and have a total economic output for roughly 34% of the GDP. That’s impressive, it’s basically the back bone of the economy, which means that the owners of these SMB’s have...

21.11.16 06:49 PM - Comment(s)

A request came through to the Umlindi Helpdesk to enable all user calendars to be visible for the rest of the company. Straight-forward? Not exactly.  I first created a policy on exchange online via Office 365 Portal, but this was apparently incorrect. Next step was chatting to Microsoft, who e...

08.11.16 06:00 PM - Comment(s)

With regards to having tighter security in a network and ensuring no one can directly access your servers WAP for SharePoint is extremely important. A very common setup is using a Web Application Proxy (WAP) server to forward https onto the relevant servers. We also have this setup, and our GTconsul...

08.11.16 05:44 PM - Comment(s)
