While it is undeniable that technology has changed the very essence of the world we live in, some of these changes have not only been changes for good.
One of the biggest debates currently being discussed in the world is the impact that artificial intelligence (AI) will have on the world’s job market...
This not only enhances the company’s reputation of identifying where partnerships will benefit cli...
I think that Teams is one of the greatest tools Microsoft has ever released. I even think the way they went about developing the tool and not buying Slack was the right approach. I think how Slack gave them free publicity due to sour grapes was great for Microsoft Teams. And today we use Teams for j...
With all of this technology surrounding us, defining how we live and interact with the world around us, humanity needs to take a step back and ask if we as a human race are adopting technological mannerisms in our lifestyle or if machines are increasingly taking on human elements.
This is a valid que...
One of the features of the growing influence of technology in our everyday lives is the development of augmented reality (AR).
We saw the tipping point of this in 2016 as Pokémon GO became a global phenomenon. Before that, there was a lot of development in creating a new way in which people interact ...