
2016 was a crucial year was in terms of shifting dynamics. We saw a changing of the guard (although in a very muted form) in South Africa where the ANC lost ground to opposition parties in local government elections. We saw the dramatic result of a surprise vote to leave the European Union (EU)...

21.04.17 11:54 PM - Comment(s)

There is no doubt that technology has changed the world. Without it, we would possibly still be rubbing sticks together to build a fire. There would be no cutting edge medication which cures basic and sometimes deadly diseases, and we would be riding around on the back of pack animals as means of tr...

13.04.17 03:57 PM - Comment(s)

When James Cameron released The Terminator in 1984, I was obsessed. It was in a sense a glimpse into our future. While we are not seeing giant robots running around trying to kill each other, machines are taking over our lives in more ways than we think.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the Inte...

06.04.17 05:27 PM - Comment(s)

We are currently living in the Fourth Industrial Revolution where technology is changing the way we live and interact with those around us.

One of the by-products of this revolution is the shared economy. This is the interaction over social media and data collection apps whereby a company has access ...

30.03.17 08:08 PM - Comment(s)
