
If you had to ask any GTconsult staff members what the core values of the company are, protection would be right up there.

In a world that is becoming more influenced by technology, cyber criminals are becoming more brazen as they have been introduced to a new pasture of risk that they can take advan...

10.12.18 09:49 PM - Comment(s)

As companies become disrupted by technology, so do workplaces.

This is arguably one of the biggest impacts that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will have. Numerous studies have shown that an enabling working environment gets the creative juices flowing. This in turn increases productivity, which res...

07.12.18 12:06 AM - Comment(s)

It is no secret that the world has gone digital. Almost any company that you can think of has an online presence which has only grown in prominence as online shopping has taken center stage.

Bust as the world of retail moves online, so do criminals. Cybercrime has been rated as one of the world’s big...

04.12.18 02:24 AM - Comment(s)

The world woke up to sad news on 13 November that the worlds original superhero, Stan Lee, passed on at the age of 95.

You may be thinking that it is weird that a technology blog is profiling Marvel Comics. But why not? The Marvel story is a prime example of how technology took a niche concept and de...

16.11.18 09:08 PM - Comment(s)

The South African insurance industry has often been described as one of the most innovative and progressive industries in the world.

A vital part of this is the fact that insurers are continuously going back to the drawing board and coming up with products that will excite their clients.  In lig...

09.11.18 10:21 PM - Comment(s)
