
The original articles can be found here and here.

It seems like it is the season for vulnerabilities of different kinds.

GTconsult recently got wind of a vulnerability that it feels that clients need to be aware of. The following article was taken from this blog and was not originally produced by GTco...

05.09.19 05:53 PM - Comment(s)

The original article can be found here.

There have been a number of vulnerabilities going around that our clients need to be aware of.

We have recently discovered another one which specifically affects SharePoint.

**Beware, **CVE-2019-0604.

The article points out that AT&T Alien Labs has seen a numb...

04.09.19 09:00 PM - Comment(s)

The original article can be found here.

GTconsult has just become aware of another potential threat, CVE-2019-11510 that affects Pulse VPN, that clients need to be aware of.

CVE-2019-11510 Vulnerability.

The article points out that multiple vulnerabilities were discovered and have been resolved in Puls...

03.09.19 05:08 PM - Comment(s)

The original article can be found here.

Fortigate SSL VPN is susceptible to a major vulnerability, **CVE-2018-13379, ** that you need to know about.

Fortigate SSL VPN is the most popular remote access way for enterprise users!

**The article points out that if users compare to the site-to-site VPN...

31.08.19 04:57 AM - Comment(s)

John Torrance, our Service Team Technical Specialist, wrote a brilliant blog post on how to enable SPF, DKIM and DMARC for your mailing system. SPF, DKIM and DMARC are the Holy Trinity when it comes to email authentication. Email authentication helps to improve the delivery and credibility of y...

29.08.19 08:54 PM - Comment(s)
