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Those who are involved with technology beat the same drum on a daily basis. Technology is great, technology changed the world, the future is here; but are we really aware of how much technology has changed the world, and what will the future of this be?

To me, I only ever realise the true effects of ...

14.03.17 02:48 PM - Comment(s)

At the core of the Microsoft strategy is to empower every individual and every organisation and Azure is helping them achieve this goal.

The four pillars that support this strategy are:

  1. Engaging with Customers
  2. Empowering every Employee
  3. Optimise your operations
  4. Transform your Products

Azure cloud is a...

24.02.17 07:37 PM - Comment(s)

A Microsoft Azure Partner of Record is a company that helps you get the most out of your Azure subscription free of charge to you. A really good partner like GTconsult will provide you with support, insights, intellectual tried and tested roll out plans even possibly unlock funding for projects all ...

23.02.17 05:21 PM - Comment(s)

Owners and managers of businesses go to work to achieve one thing; they work to believe that the doors of the business will open in the morning…come what may. This simple business principle may seem basic and common sense in nature; however, it plays a larger influencing role than many businessmen a...

22.02.17 05:23 PM - Comment(s)

Microsoft has made the decision to remove the option for new Azure customers to select the Pay as you go model, but don’t worry, customers still have the option if they go through a Microsoft cloud partner.

A big drawing card for moving to Azure was the ability to only pay for what you use and scale ...

13.02.17 10:50 PM - Comment(s)
