
Blog categorized as Uncategorized

To leave or not to leave.... what are the alternatives? 
Whatsapp caused the first controversy of 2021. What would a fragmented messaging industry look like? are you prepared to chat to all of your current Whatsapp contacts across multiple platforms? What are your options come February 8?
12.01.21 11:11 AM - Comment(s)
Optimism is the key to 2021
While there is a lot of optimism about 2021, managing expectations and looking towards specific areas of innovation will be the key to surviving the year.
03.01.21 08:16 AM - Comment(s)
What a roller coaster it has been
2020 was a significant year for technology with the Covid-19 pandemic playing its part. We discuss some of those stories and see how far we have come in a disruptive year.
24.12.20 06:00 AM - Comment(s)
Adding value to the productivity debate. 
There has been a growing debate about whether technology enables productivity. We take a look at all of the factors at play.
15.12.20 06:00 AM - Comment(s)
A costly endeavour for all
Your exposure could be more costly than you realize. Protection is out there to prevent you from becoming a victim.
09.12.20 08:42 AM - Comment(s)
