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TL;DR - set-smbserverconfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $false

Everyone has heard about the Eternalblue exploit that was been running wild in late 2017.

This exploit was used to spread ransomware around the world and it caused huge frustration, costs and overall panic in the workplace. Even popular TV ...

22.06.18 03:37 PM - Comment(s)

Donald Trump has just met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and families are being separated at the borders in an attempt to control the US’s immigration problem.

Yet, the only topic that some people in the US are obsessing over is net neutrality and the effects that it is having on their lives.


22.06.18 03:30 PM - Comment(s)

I recently did a quiz on Zimbio which asked the person taking the quiz to identify cartoons that were popular in the 1980s.

I got 70%, which I was very proud of considering the limited amount of television that was available to us compared with the endless supply that the children of today has.

This a...

18.06.18 03:17 PM - Comment(s)

We are once again turning towards the great debate as to whether technology is benefitting the education sector or hindering it.

There is no doubt, in my mind that is, that technology is benefiting the education sector. Sure, we are actively encouraging our youth to become obsessed with technology; h...

06.06.18 11:35 PM - Comment(s)

Since Klaus Schwab announced the arrival of the Fourth Industrial revolution (4IR), we have seen a lot of articles which have pointed out the many ways in which companies can come to terms with the immense changes that the 4IR is bringing?

There have been many suggestions regarding this. However, how...

31.05.18 11:32 PM - Comment(s)
