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In the modern age, it is not enough that you produce a cutting-edge product or service that caters for everybody’s needs and desires, companies have to offer something more. And loyalty programs are the way to do this.

But are they everybody’s cup of tea? This is the question that needs to be answere...

07.01.19 10:13 PM - Comment(s)

One of the major advantages of technology is that the world has become more predictable. We can now look into the future and put plans in place for events and trends that will most likely impact our businesses.

This has a major impact on profitability. I recently read an article on enterpriseinnovati...

07.01.19 08:44 PM - Comment(s)

Transformation is an important aspect in any business. In South Africa, it means giving opportunities to those who were previously excluded from advancing their careers because of the color of their skin. In other parts of the world, it means giving opportunities to women who were traditionally excl...

07.01.19 06:19 PM - Comment(s)

On 14 December 2018, GTconsult gathered for their work year-end event. It was the first time in years that all the staff from Durban, Cape Town and England came together for some downtime and to meet each other.

For weeks building up to the event, all the planning and preparation was being done ...

21.12.18 06:00 PM - Comment(s)

In 2018, we saw the rise of Hacking as a Service. It will be interesting to see how this develops in the future.

It is safe to say that ethical hacking is now here to stay. I recently read an article on enterpriseinnovation.net that discussed this issue.

The article points out that legend has it that ...

19.12.18 11:54 PM - Comment(s)
