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In the not too distant future, companies will need to comply with the Protection of Private Information Act (POPIA) when the information regulator – Pansy Tlakula – announces the effective date.

What makes this compliance even more onerous is that companies will be expected also adhere to the General...

19.03.19 10:09 PM - Comment(s)

In the past, gold, oil and diamonds were commodities that countries literally went to war over. Such was their importance and value.

While the value of these commodities has not diminished over time, there is another commodity that is being referred to as the new oil. Big Data is poised to take the w...

11.03.19 09:45 PM - Comment(s)

If you spoke to a person about hacking five years ago, they would be calling 10 111 while your back was turned. In the past, this was a major, MAJOR crime.

Fortunately, we have come to our senses and we have progressed. Hacking has become the tattoos of 2019, it is now socially acceptable. In fact it...

11.03.19 08:40 PM - Comment(s)

How much of a difference does it make to have a local Microsoft Azure Datacentre?

When Microsoft announced that they were going to develop local datacentres in South Africa, not only was it going to be awesome for local clients, it would almost give us a much-needed boost to the economy. Local servic...

08.03.19 06:28 PM - Comment(s)

Dare we say it…no; wait, I am going to say it. GTconsult predicted that Facebook was a ticking time bomb when it came to privacy issues.

Facebook is now incurring the wrath of the UK government over non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). How the mighty have fallen.


04.03.19 12:14 AM - Comment(s)
