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The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4, has revolutionised the way we look at business and the way that we share ideas across platforms.

While many people are afraid of the changes that are associated with Industry 4.0, there are many benefits that cannot be looked past. These include connec...

03.06.19 05:23 PM - Comment(s)

One of the biggest challenges that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has introduced is cyber-crime.

The world is becoming increasingly interconnected. It is believed that every three seconds, a different person in India experiences the internet for the first time. 90% of these new exper...

27.05.19 10:55 PM - Comment(s)

Nothing captured the public’s attention in 2018 quite like Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. It was discussed at conferences, braais, dinner parties, gym sessions and possibly during intimate moments between couples in bedrooms.

The main thing that was asked was: is it a scam or not? Let’s look at it ...

22.05.19 05:04 PM - Comment(s)

We are well aware that we live our lives within the digital economy. Facebook and other social media platforms have become meeting places. Chatrooms replace the weekly visit to the therapist and companies such as eBay and Amazon make it conveniently easy to becomes a self made social pariah and not ...

15.05.19 11:37 PM - Comment(s)

Instant messaging giant, WhatsApp, has discovered a vulnerability in their messaging app that could allow attackers to install spyware on your mobile device, without you even knowing.

The vulnerability could allow attackers to simply call your phone without you even answering and install malware and ...

14.05.19 06:53 PM - Comment(s)
