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The world is currently a very scary place. There are growing political tensions between the US and Iran and one stupid statement or action can escalate the situation into a full-blown war. There is also the issue with Brexit and the uncertainties about what will be the fall out when it eventually ha...

10.01.20 07:12 PM - Comment(s)

One of the biggest influential components of the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is that we live in an interconnected world. Smartphones talk to tablets which talk to televisions and other smart devices such as fridges and even cars.

These devices are also connected to our work network...

06.01.20 04:54 PM - Comment(s)
Scott McCann, our Technical Account Manager in Hillcrest, wrote an insightful piece on fixing Quick Parts in Microsoft Word after a migration. We hope this blog helps you enable productivity in your business. Quick Parts in Word are great to implement into documents to display data from SharePoint, ...
17.12.19 09:43 PM - Comment(s)

And just like that, 2019 is over.

What a year it has been. 2019 has been one of our best years so far and we have grown from strength to strength. I am immensely proud of our team here at GT and I know that the future is bright and we have a bright and busy year ahead in 2020.

Craig, Grant, Scott, Ke...

06.12.19 08:16 PM - Comment(s)

In the 1960’s with the emergence of grocery chains in South Africa, a group made up of 8 wholesalers were given exclusive rights to the SPAR name and brand in 1963, and serviced 500 small retailers.


Name: SPAR
Location: Pinetown, Kwa-Zulu Natal
Size: 10000+
Industry: Retail
Website: http:...

02.12.19 03:44 PM - Comment(s)
